Invitation to our Early Career Researcher (ECR) meeting

Edinburgh Plant Science would like to warmly invite you to attend the EPS – Early Career Researcher meeting!
The meeting agenda will provide opportunities for PhD students, postdocs and young PIs to get to know our partner institutes better and present their research.
Date: 22nd October 2020 (Thursday).
Time: 9.00 a.m. - 4.50 p.m.
Registration: Attendance is free, but please book and submit abstracts using Eventbrite (abstract submission is optional).
Venue: Online (Zoom). Meeting ID and password will be provided after you register on Eventbrite.
See our full Meeting Programme here.
Three key goals of the meeting are to:
- Identify shared areas of interest/potential collaborations for young researchers, including knowledge exchange and networking.
- Discuss career opportunities within the EPS network and the current shifting research funding landscape.
- Connect ECR members to our EPS young researcher committee.
The meeting will include a plenary talk from a representative of the EU and International Team (University of Edinburgh), and round table discussions about career development in addition to introductions from partner institutes and research presentations from ECRs.
We would greatly appreciate your participation in this event and strongly encourage you to invite interested colleagues or forward the event to them. ECRs are invited to register and submit research ideas to Eventbrite - we hope to have a representative from each partner institute.
We look forward to seeing you in October!
Yours sincerely,
EPS-ECR Organising Committee